Lake Huron Committee

For deliberations of this Committee, Lake Huron shall be considered to include all of Lake Huron from the compensating gates at Sault Ste. Marie on the St. Marys River to its St. Clair River outlet, and, to the extent that they affect fish stocks of common concern, its bays, harbors, and tributaries.


  1. To consider issues pertinent to, or referred by, the Great lakes Fishery Commission that are within the Committee's authority or under its auspices.
  2. To consider issues and problems of common concern to Michigan, Ontario, and/or the Chippewa Ottawa Treaty Fishery Management Authority - these may be of interest to the Commission.
  3. To develop and coordinate joint state/provincial/federal/tribal programs and research projects.
  4. To decide issues for referral to the Great lakes Fishery Commission or Council of Lake Committees for direction, resolution or support.
  5. To serve as a forum for state, provincial, tribal, and federal agencies, and others, on a need/request basis.
  6. To decide protocol for Committee operation, establish operational procedures for internal committees, develop meeting agenda, and elect officers.

The Committee shall meet annually at a time and place determined by the Committee.  The meeting shall be sufficiently in advance of the council of Lake Committees meeting and Annual Meeting of the Great Lakes Fishery commission to allow the preparation of material, reports, and recommendations for commission review and action at the Annual meeting.  Additional Committee meetings may be convened by the Committee Chairman to deal with special items of business.

The Committee shall consist of a senior staff member from the Michigan DNR, Ontario MNR, and the Chippewa Ottawa Fishery Management Authority.  Representatives should be able to speak for their respective agencies.  Each agency will designate an alternate who will serve in the absence of the member.  The Committee shall be assisted by experts and advisors from all agencies concerned.


  1. Chairman: The Chairman shall be a voting member and shall serve for two years.  The chair shall rotate among the member agencies in the following order beginning in 1987: MDNR, COTFMA, OMNR.  The new Chairman's term of office shall begin immediately following the Committee's annual meeting in odd-numbered years; the outgoing Chairman shall be responsible for presenting the Committee's report at the Commission's Annual Meeting.
  2. Vice-chairman: A Committee member of the opposite country to that of the chairman shall serve as Vice-chairman, and shall perform the functions of Chairman in the Chairman's absence.  An American Vice-chairman will be selected by members from the United States.

 The Committee may request, as the need arise, expert advice or study on problems identified by the Committee.

The Secretariat provides liaison between Committee and Commission, by assisting the Committee in the development and distribution of meeting agenda and minutes, and the preparation of briefing materials and reports as required.  The Secretariat also assists in making meeting arrangements.

Decisions will be reached by a consensus of the membership.  When consensus cannot be achieved, the concerns of all agencies shall be described in the committee's report to the Commission.

The Committee may, as it deems necessary, establish sub-committees.

The Committee shall transmit to the commission prior to the Commission's Annual Meeting, a report of the Committee's annual meeting including agency reports, reports of special committees and resolutions.
The Committee may request endorsement of its recommendations by the Council of Lake Committees and refer to the Council of Lake Committees items which have implications beyond the Committee's jurisdiction.

21 June 1989

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